Brow Lift

Brow Lift

Μία από τις πρώτες επεμβάσεις της αισθητικής πλαστικής χειρουργικής υπήρξε η λεγόμενη ρυτιδοπλαστική ή λίφτινγκ προσώπου

The operation aims at addressing the main and fundamental problem of facial wrinkles and is usually associated with some degree of neck lift. However, it very soon became clear that nothing had been done for the brow.

Brow lift now meets this need.

Then and now on Brow Lift

Initially the procedure was done through large incisions (coronary) but nowadays the procedure has been optimized thanks to technology and is entirely endoscopical. Thus through very small incisions made deep into the hair, and which are then covered completely, the frontal muscle groups are corrected and lifted leading to a lift of the entire brow and the eyebrows often improving dramatically also the image of the upper eyelid and the eyes.

How is the procedure performed and how much does it last?

The procedure requires the use of the latest medical technological equipment and lasts for about 2 hours. Patients have only a small swelling on the brow after surgery and the day after the procedure they leave the hospital.

The procedure is quite specialized and Dr. Boukouvalas is really one of the few plastic surgeons who perform it.

Dr. Boukouvalas is a Lecturer at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Scientific Director of the Medical team and CEO of Anagenesis as well as Director of the Metropolitan Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Also a member of ISPRAS, HESPRAS, EBOPRAS, IPRAS.

The results of Brow Lift

Its results however are impressive in terms of rejuvenation of the brow.

In addition, the endoscopic technique and lack of incisions lead to a very fast recovery.


by Dr. Boukouvalas